Sådan ser de ud idag - d. 18 okt 2012. Det varer nok ikke længe med Bertha (forrest) - Hun er sat til 25.10.12 - men det kan svinge flere dage til hver side. This is how they look today Oct 18th, 2012 - Not too long for Bertha, we think. She is going to give birth at Oct 25th, but it may vary several days both ways

Why do dogs wag their tales????
Hvorfor logrer hunde med halen?

Hunden logrer med halen for at indikere, hvordan den har det. Hvordan halen er, har samme funktion som vores smil - der udtrykker en hel masse. Halen viser hundens mentale tilstand, dens sociale position - og ikke mindst dens intentioner. Det er også en hilsen.

Nogle siger, at hunde normalt begynder at logre, når de er 30 dage - og rekorden i denne artikel er 19 dage, men vore hvalpe plejer almindeligvis at begynde at logre omkring 18-19 dage.

De er bare så søde, når de stolper rundt på deres små spaghetti-ben og halen logrer!!

Wagging tails - dog tails - why dogs wag their tails

(Excerpt from How to Speak Dog)
Dr. Stanlmed halen?ey Coren

"....In some ways, tail-wagging serves the same functions as our human smile, polite greeting, or nod of recognition. Smiles are social signals, and human beings seem to reserve most of their smiles for social situations, where somebody is around to see them. Sometimes, vicarious social situations, as when watching television or occasionally when thinking about somebody special, can trigger a smile. For dogs, the tail wag seems to have the same properties. A dog will wag its tail for a person or another dog. It may wag its tail for a cat, horse, mouse, or perhaps even a butterfly. But when the dog is by itself, it will not wag its tail to any lifeless thing. If you put a bowl of food down, the dog will wag its tail to express its gratitude to you.
A dog's tail speaks volumes about his mental state, his social position, and his intentions. How the tail came to be a communication device is an interesting story. - read more about it on this link:


AND NOW!! read this........... an interesting article.........

It is something of a surprise to many people to learn that puppies don't wag their tails when they are very young. The youngest puppy I ever saw systematically wagging its tail was eighteen days old, and both the breeder and I agreed that this was quite unusual. Although there are some differences among the various breeds, the scientific data suggests that, on average, by thirty days of age, about half of all puppies are tail wagging, and the behavior is usually fully established by around forty nine days of age.



Hvalpene bliver vant til børn. De bliver introduceret for mange børn (vore børnebørn bl.a.). Vi skal vænne hvalpene til at se så mange forskellige slags mennesker som muligt i deres unge hvalpetid, især før de er ca 16 uger gamle. Dette gør dem i stand til meget nemmere at acceptere forskellige ting senere i deres voksne hundeliv i fremtiden.

Lad dem se så meget forskelligt som muligt, opleve så mange forskellige situationer som muligt.


The puppies spend a lot of time with children (our grandchildren). We want them to get used to children as early as possible.
Please remember to introduce the puppies to different people during the time before they are about 16 weeks. This will make them much more acceptable to anything and anyone in their future life.
Introduce them to various things and doings and happenings as well.

Vi sidder i mad til halsen, men vi vil altså gerne have nogle godbidder alligevel.....Og det skal være OMEGA 3 PILLERNE!! - We sit close to the food, we know that - BUT WE WANT OMEGA 3 tablets!!
Som man kan se, har vi 2 meget drægtige tæver. Bodilius Bertha Tilly til venstre og Bodilius SNAP Tilly til højre.Det er mor og datter. Nærmeste fødsel er ca. 25. oktober 2012 As you can see we have 2 very pregnant females - nearest birth is Oct 25th, approximately. Left is Bodilius Bertha Tilly and right is Bodilius Snap Tilly. This is mother and daughter.