 Hvad spiser hvalpene egentlig?
Hvad spiser vi egentlig?
(Når vi ikke længere får mad fra mor)
Ja, hver morgen får vi jordbær yoghurt med lidt vand opvarmet fra microovnen (fra koldt vand, ikke varmt). Og det vil vi rigtig gerne blive ved med at spise altid. Det er hurtigt lavet og serveret, når vi nu er så sultne om morgenen. Derefter får vi (ligeledes opløst i lidt vand) vores Eukanuba krummelummer. Dem til babyer er uvist af hvilken grund altid meget hårde. Derfor opløser vi dem lidt. I vandet kommer vi også en smule leverpostej(!) Dette for smagens skyld. Vores små næser kan sagtens vejre leverpostej - meget bedre end Eukanuba. Men ikke mere end bare for at give smag og duft, for vi lever ikke af leverpostej. Det samme får vi om eftermiddagen - og om aftenen får vi igen Eukanuba men denne gang får vi tilsat Tun på dåse. Uhmmna, det er dejligt. Vi bruger den der med olie! For om kort tid skal vi til at have Omega 3 tabletter hver dag. Køb dem i Aldi, kr. 18 for 120 stk. Så er vi vant til olien.
Vi har frisk vand stående frit hele tiden - og drikker efter behov.
Every morning we eat strawberry yoghurt with a little water heated in the microwave. Easy and fast to serve, because we are hungry in the morning. After that we get the Eukanuba puppy food (recommended for up to 12 months of age) softened also with a little water. We add, also for the attracting of smell and taste, a little of liver paste - only a very little portion for smell and taste -
Middle of day - the same - and at evenings we get our Eukanuba together with tunafish trunks (from tin with oil), thus enabling us to get our daily Omega 3 tablet later on. Cost very little - use the same as you do your the humans.
We have fresh water all the time standing, and we drink frequently.
 April 24th, 2011
Today they have eyes for sure - but they do not always open them. It is a big world out there. We took some pictures of the babies up-close. See 'FOTO hvalpe NU'.
Their weight is now between 700g (Gina) and 840g (Tony). They have gained weight - about 3-3½ times their won birth weight. And they are not 2 weeks old until tomorrow. Amazing.
Idag har de fået øjne - men de har dem ikke altid åbne - det er dog også en stor verden der er derude.
Der er nogle nærbilleder af hvalpene. Se under 'FOTO hvalpe NU'.
Deres vægt ligger nu mellem 700-840 gram - og de har taget på ca 3-3½ gange deres fødselsvægt. Og de er først 2 uger gamle i morgen. Fantastisk.
FRA VENSTRE MOD HØJRE: Gina, Adam, Tony, Mickey. From left to right.
FRA VENSTRE MOD HØJRE: Gina, Adam, Tony, Mickey. From left to right.
 April 18th, 2011
We continue a little about socializing:
You may ask: How do you go about it, when you socialize the puppy????
Make sure that each of the following events are pleasant and non-threatening. If your puppy's first experience with something is painful and frightening, you will be defeating your purpose. In fact, you will be creating a phobia that will often last a lifetime. It's better to go too slow and assure your puppy is not frightened or injured than to rush and force your pup to meet new things and people.
* Invite friends over to meet your pup. Include men, women, youngsters, oldsters, different ethnic backgrounds, etc. * Invite friendly, healthy, vaccinated dogs, puppies and even cats to your home to meet and play with your new puppy. Take your puppy to the homes of these pets, preferably with dog-friendly cats.
But don't panic - use your comon sense. After all you get a puppy with good genes, and your breeder has already started the process of socializing .....
 April 15th, 2011
While you wait for your puppy to be ready for YOUR family, we take the opportunity to inform you about many different things. One of them is the SOCIALIZATION of the puppy.
Puppy Socialization Begins at Birth
Your puppy's mother will take several steps, out of instinct, to begin the puppy socialization process, as will his litter mates. Through these first family bonds, they will learn some obedience skills by being disciplined for wrong behavior. They'll also learn from basic social feedback, for example, how to avoid playing rough, and the basics of a leader-submission mentality.
The breeder then takes various steps in order to get your puppy used to the different kinds of stimulus and patterns that go on in a human household.
This extremely simple-minded creature, your puppy, needs to know that the socialization process continues in the new environment.
In other words, start the instant they come home with you.
A puppy learns the most important habits of their personality, over the first few months of life, most importantly 8-14 weeks. During these first few months, you need to teach your puppy how to relate to those around them.
During that period, anything they get used to, anything that seems normal to them, is going to be easier to deal with for the rest of their life. So, things such as obedience training, how to deal with other animals and strangers, being outside and seeing the world - things like that - should be (must) introduced early, within the first few months of their life.
Consequently it is very important that your puppy is not too old, when you get it home. These early weeks are an investment in your future together, you and your new member of the family.
 April 12th, 2011
We have given the puppies the following names from the English TV series 'THE BILL'.
Vi har navngivet hvalpene med navne fra TV serien 'LOV og UORDEN'.
April 11
April 12
Bodilius Mickey Webb Tilly
175 gram
240 gram
Bodilius Gina Gold Tilly
175 gram
250 gram
Bodilius Tony Stamp Tilly
200 gram
280 gram
Bodilius Adam OkaroTilly
175 gram
280 gram
We weigh the puppies every day in order for us to be sure that they gain weight. Elsewhere on the website you can follow this weight increase. As you can see they all gain weight and are doing very well. They sleep probably 80% of the time.
Vi vejer hvalpene hver dag for at være sikker på, at de spiser nok og tager på i vægt. Andetsteds på hjemmesiden kan man følge denne vægtstigning. Som man kan se tager de allesammen på - og de har det rigtigt fint. De sover nok 80% af tiden.
 Oct 1st, 2010
Today we received this kennel reward:
Hi Kennel Bodilius, We've just gone ahead and approved your Kennel website for the PetsDirect.co.uk Kennel award. :)
The award is one of the best (if not the best) pet award online, as I'm sure you've heard...
Details of some of the reasons you were awarded are: A Unique Kennel Website With Care and Attention To Detail.
A Useful and Informative Kennel Website
Great Literature and/or Informational Quality
A Feel Of Helping the Preservation and General Well Being of All Animals.
Showing a True Love For Dogs Or Pet Types in General.
Thanks for making a great site and kennel and do let us know if we can help out in any other way. Here's the link to our awards page...