Ancestors to the litter March 1st, 2014/Forfædre til kuldet
My Bonnie Ellis Malkepige
Top sitting:
Mormor til kuldet - grandmother to the litter - Mor/mother to Bodilius SNAP Tilly.
Til højre/right: Bodilius Hyacinth Trunte Isolde Tilly
Til Venstre/left: Bodilius Theta Tilly
Our mother
Bodilius SNAP Tilly - the mother of this litter to be born June 16th, 2014.
We have tried to expand the pedigree a little with pictures of ancestors to the puppies of this litter. So please enjoy watching some pictures that we have gathered.
We all know that this breed is rather young at the present time, and only goes as far back as the 1980s, so here actually are some of the oldest of the breed, that we can possibly trace. Enjoy.
Ulkærgård's Deutscher Hubert
her er Ulkjærgård's Deutscher HUBERT som er fader til kuldet, som skal fødes 1. marts 2014.
Here is Ulkjærgård's Deutscher HUBERT who is the father of the litter to be born March 1st, 2014
Bodilius Hyacinth Trunte Isolde
Her er Bodilius Hyacinth Trunte Isolde, som er moster til Bodilius SNAP Tilly -
Bodilius Hyacinth Trunte Isolde, mother's mother of the litter
Ulkjærgård's Deutscher HUBERT'S far
Her er Ello Exxon, som er Ulkjærgård's Deutscher HUBERT'S far.
This is Ulkjærgård's Deutscher HUBERT'S father
Kilthul's Shine On
Ulkjærgård's Deutscher HUBERT'S farmor
Bjørgstugan's Turbo
Bjørgstugan's Turbo er Ulkærgård's Deutscher Hubert's morfar's morfar.
This is HUBERTS mother's father's mother's father - this is Ulkærgård's Deutscher Hubert's grandfather's grandfather
Mother's mother's father
Navarras Tummeliten -
has pedigree from Sweden and can be traced back to the dog named Wochs-Amy born in 1987 - which is probably back to where the breed was started in Sweden.
Mother's mother's mother
My Bonnie Ellis Malkepige, now retired, and waiting for her great grand children to be born March 1st, 2014
Mother's mother's mothers' father
Danish Champion Son-Mik's Eddie
Mother's mother's mother's mother
Mother's mother's mother's father's father
Agerhønen’s Palle Paranød
Mother's mother's mother's father's mother
Sofie - she was certified into the breed, and thus the furthest possible back, we can go here.
Mother's mother's mother's mother's father
Dusty - he was certified into the breed, and thus the furthest possible back, we can go on the mother's side
Mother's mother's mother's father's father's mother
Nora Malkeko... she was certified into the breed, and thus the furthest possible back, we can go. Nora Malkeko. She is this litter's mother's mother's father's father's mother,and as far back as we can go - presently. I will, however, try to go further.
The face is exactly like the puppies' great grandmother My Bonnie Elis Malkepige. This is amazing.
Youhais Jolly-Bob
Dette er My Bonnie Ellis Malkepige's father's father's father's father -
This is actually this litter's great grandmother's father's father's father
and then we cannot go further back and find registered ancestors!