Kuldet/Litter 10 juni 2015

Her sætter vi løbende billeder af hvalpene fra dette kuld. Derudover kan du læse på bloggen, alt hvad de foretager sig. Se menuen til venstre. BLOG

Here we upload pictures of the puppies from this litter. Also please read the BLOG all about it. See the menu to the left BLOG

10. juni 2015 fik Bodilius GINA Gold Tilly 2 flotte hvalpe. Pænt store hvalpe. Babyerne er damer, og de er fantastisk flotte. Og vi er meget stolte af dem.

Hvalp nr 1 blev født kl 01.52 - 2 timer efter midnat.

Hvalp nr 2 blev født kl 03.46

Og så var der ikke flere hvalpe. Vi ventede og ventede, men moderen gik bare i gang med at ordne dem, slikke dem - og var glad og tilfreds. Hun poserede endda for fotografen. Der var ingen tvivl om, at nu var fødslen slut.

Hun havde klaret alting selv, navlestreng og det hele.

June 10th 2015 Bodilius GINA Gold Tilly had 2 gorgeous puppies. Reasonably in size. These babies are ladies, and they are incredibly beautiful. We are very proud of them.

Puppy No 1 is born at 01.52 am

Puppy No 2 is born at 03.46 am


And then there were no more puppies. We waited and waited, but the mother just started to clean the babies and feed them – and she was happy, pleased and very proud. She even posed for the fotographer. No doubt about it. The birth had ended.


She had done everything herself – navel cord and everything.  

12 timer gamle - 12 hours old