Bodilius SNAP Tilly forventes at få hvalpe ca 23. maj 2013. Det vil sige, at de er klar til afhentning af den nye familie ca 19 juli 2013.

Sådan ser en drægtig tæve ud, der har ca 3 uger tilbage, før hun skal føde - Det er ikke første gang, hun skal føde, så hun er i hvert fald klar over, at der foregår noget spændende.

Bodilius SNAP Tilly is expected to give birth around May 23rd, 2013.Vild

This means that the new adopting family can pick up the puppy around July 19th, 2013.

This is what i a pregnant female looks like. It is not the first time she is going to give birth to some lovely puppies, and we can see that she is definately realizing that something is going on - something exciting.

Bodilius GINA Gold Tilly forventes at få hvalpe ca 28. maj 2013. Det vil sige, at de er klar til afhentning af den nye familie ca 24 juli 2013.

Sådan ser en drægtig tæve ud, der har ca 3 uger tilbage, før hun skal føde - Det er første gang, hun skal føde, men hun er i hvert fald klar over, at der foregår noget spændende.

Bodilius GINA Gold Tilly is expected to give birth around May 28th, 2013.Vild

This means that the new adopting family can pick up the puppy around July 24th, 2013.

This is what i a pregnant female looks like. It is the first time she is going to give birth to some lovely puppies, but we can see that she is definately realizing that something is going on - something exciting.

Vi glæder os til at få hvalpe i huset igen. Og det gør børnebørnene også.

Nu varer det ikke længe, før vi kan mærke dem sparke inde i maven på Bodilius SNAP Tilly og Bodilius GINA Gold Tilly. Vi glæder os rigtig meget.


We are sure that we are going to have puppies here around May 23rd. And we are so looking forward to it. And so are the grandchildren.

It won't be long now, before we can actually FEEL the puppies in the stomach - kicking around, inside the stomach of Bodilius SNAP Tilly and inside the stomach of Bodilius GINA Gold Tilly.


Bodilius SNAP Tilly er blevet parret med Ulkærgård's Deutscher Hubert, og vi venter hvalpe d. 23. maj 2013.

Og her på det lille billede ser vi Huberts far - vi er spændte på, om vi får hvalpe, der er hvide og lysebrune og chokoladebrune igen.

Længere nede på denne BLOG kan vi se hvalpe fra det sidste kuld.

Bodilius SNAP Tilly has been mated with Ulkærgård's Deutscher Hubert, and we are expecting puppies around May 23rd 2013.

On this small picture we can see HUBERT's father - and we are very excited, because maybe we shall have puppies again, that are white, tan and chokolate brown. You can see puppies from the last litter below in this BLOG.


HER SES MODEREN TIL NÆSTE KULD: HERE IS THE MOTHER OF THE NEXT LITTER: BODILIUS GINA GOLD TILLY: (Sammen med hvalpe, som hun var med til at opfostre fra okt 2012 - together with puppies she was helping to bring up from Oct 2012): Næste kuld forventes – Next litter is expected: Parring/Mating: Has taken place March 23rd, 2013 Fødsel/Birth: EXPECTED May 23rd 2013 Klar til afhentning/Available: July 19th, 2013