Se VIDEOen fra SNAPs Corner her: VIDEO SNAP's Corner
Man kan se hvordan både Gina og Oldemor er med hele tiden - og så er oldemor endda begyndt at give SNAPs hvalpe mælk. Vi prøver at sørge for at hun kun giver mælk til Berthas hvalpe (for ikke
at belaste hende for meget), men som man kan se på videoen, så er hun helt vildt glad - hun logrer hele tiden.
Se VIDEO from SNAPs Corner
here: VIDEO SNAP's Corner
You can see how both Gina and Great Grandmother Louise are
there all the time - and now the old lady is even giving milk to SNAP's puppies. We try to make sure that she only gives to bertha's puppies, (so that it is not too much for her) but as you can see on the video, she is extremely happy - wagging her
tail all the time.