Som I sikkert har bemærket, så har vi ikke nævnt så meget omkring Berthas Corner de sidste par dage, og det skyldes, at Bertha i lørdags PLUDSELIG blev syg af mælkefeber. Det kom som lyn fra en klar himmel uden forudgående tegn, og vi styrtede til dyrlægen, som omgående behandlede hende – senere på dagen konsulterede dyrlægen andre dyrlæger, og Bertha blev derefter indlagt på dyreklinik i Ribe for at få drop med calcium o.a. – og vi gik i gang med at fodre hvalpene med sutteflaske hver 3. time. Bare rolig – hvalpene har det 110% fint.

Desværre måtte vi i dag beslutte at aflive Bertha, fordi alle hendes indre organer var gået i stå. Vi har begravet hende i vores have i dag, og vi er meget kede af det.

Gudskelov har vi alle hvalpene, og vi har deres moster og deres oldemor, der er meget interesseret i dem – og de vil sammen med os udgøre det for hvalpenes MOR. Så de kommer ikke til at lide nød. De er i hænder hele tiden (mere end de faktisk ellers ville være) og der er hunde, der også nusser om dem. De er i Maj-Britts kontor, og der sidder jeg og arbejder. SNAP er jo i Laurits kontor – så de har alle sammen selskab stort set det meste af tiden. Hvalpene spiser og har MEGET runde maver, så de er fine. Vi skal nok uploade flere billeder igen – og videoer. For nu er de også begyndt at få åbne øjne. Babuska var den første i dag, der åbnede øjnene og missede med dem. Og de er så småt begyndt at mave sig rundt.

Ja, vi har aldrig haft sygdom i forbindelse med alle de kuld hvalpe vi har avlet, så det er kommet som et stort chok for os. Dyrlægerne siger, at vi ikke kunne have givet dem bedre mad og bedre forhold, end vores dyr har. Men det er jo en ringe trøst.

As you probably have noticed, we have the last couple of days not written so much about Berthas Corner, but this is due to the fact that Bertha SUDDENLY during the week-end became ill of milk fever. This came without any warning, and we rushed to the veterinarian immediately. He treated her with injections of calcium, and later he also consulted other veterinarians, and consequently Bertha was admitted to an animal clinic close by for immediate treatment of drop with calcium etc. – and we immediately started bottle feeding the puppies every 3 hours – don’t worry they are 110% fine.

Unfortunately we had to have our beautiful Bertha put down, because all her inner organs failed. She is now buried in our garden today, and we are extremely sad and upset.

Thank God we have the puppies, and we have their mother’s sister and their great grandmother, who are very interested in them, and they will together with us be the puppies’ MUM. So the puppies are going to be ok. They are in our hands all the time (actually more now than they would normally be) and there are dogs nursing them and being good to them. They have their basked in Maj-Britt’s office, and here I am working every day. SNAP is in Laurits’s office, where he is working. Consequently all the puppies have company most of the day. The puppies are eating a lot of milk from the bottle, and their stomachs are very round, so they are very fine. We shall upload some more pictures and daily stories as well as videos. Now they are beginning to open their eyes, the first today was Babuska. And they are gradually starting to move around a little, moving along on their stomachs.

Well, we have never had any illness in all of our breeding years, so this has come as a big chock for us. Both veterinarians say that we could not have done anything differently, and that our dogs have the best food and conditions and surroundings that they could wish for. But this is of little comfort to us.

SNAPs Corner består af en stor kurv, der er overdækket med et spillebord. Og så hænger der gardiner ned foran, således at vi giver hundene en fornemmelse af hule. Der er altid store bløde vattæpper med dynebetræk. Her kan vi se SNAPs Corner. Det er faktisk der, hvor SNAP selv er født. Hun kender denne kurv og elsker den - og her er hun ofte, i Laurits' kontor. Bertha er født her også, og er også glad for dette sted. Her lå SNAPs mor, Louise, da hun fik SNAP, og her lå SNAP, da hun fik Bertha. Idag har vi alle 4 generationer i huset. Vi har oldemor Louise, mormor SNAP, mor Bertha og 5 børn. Oldemor Louise er 13 år og 'still going strong'. SNAPs Corner consists of a large basket and on top of that is a square gambling table, and there are curtains hanging down, giving the dogs a feeling of a CAVE. There are always thick and soft blankets covered with bedspread in the basket. Here we can see SNAPs corner. Here is SNAP actually herself born – She knows this basket and loves it. She is often in this basket, which is in Laurits' office. Bertha is also born here, and is happy for this place. Here was Berthas mother Louise giving birth to SNAP, and here was SNAP giving birth to Bertha. Today we have the 4 generations in the house: We have great grandmother Louise, grandmother SNAP, mother Bertha and her 5 babies. Great gransmother Louise is 13 years and still going strong.

In 2010 we received this kennel reward:

Hi Kennel Bodilius, We've just gone ahead and approved your Kennel website for the Kennel award. :)

The award is one of the best (if not the best) pet award online, as I'm sure you've heard...

Details of some of the reasons you were awarded are:
A Unique Kennel Website With Care and Attention To Detail.

  • A Useful and Informative Kennel Website
  • Great Literature and/or Informational Quality
  • A Feel Of Helping the Preservation and General Well Being of All Animals.
  • Showing a True Love For Dogs Or Pet Types in General.

    Thanks for making a great site and kennel and do let us know if we can help out in any other way. Here's the link to our awards page...

    Congratulations! SNAPs hvalpe vejede det sammen som Border Collie hvalpe ved fødslen. DERFOR får Dansk Svensk Gaardhunde ikke så mange hvalpe som de store hunderacer.

Og så der er ikke noget at sige til, at vore hundemødre har brug for en stor produktion af mælk til hvalpene.

Today I heard ............... that SNAPs puppies weighed exactly as much as puppies from for example Border Collies. Consequently it is quite understandable that Danish Swedish Farmdog do not get as many puppies as the larger breeds.

And also needless to say the our mothers need a large production of milk for the puppies.